Saturday, 28 September 2013

A Week on the Web: September 28th 2013

Hello and welcome to a new weekly section on the Wyvern Website which will reveal our favorite videos and GIFs every weeks which relate to the news. The content we embed will hopefully shock,stun and inform you. Why a video and a GIF you may ask: well The Wyvern has taken into consideration what teenagers like and we hope to communicate news through these two forms.

Steve Ballmer Retirement Speech
Recently, CEO of Microsoft, Steve Ballmer announced that he would be retiring in the next 12 months and on Friday he made his exit speech at the annual company meeting for employees in Seattle. The iconic fella who had been the main man at Microsoft since Bill Gates retired in 2000 is known for his enthusiasm and dedication to his work, he showed this at every press event Microsoft held. From the start when he came dancing onto stage and said "I love this company!" everyone knew he was going to be a slightly odd boss and the video above shows his leaving speech was just as weird, parting out of the meeting to the theme of 'Dirty Dancing' and in tears.


This video (turned into a GIF) filmed by a police car in north Alberta, Canada shows a huge meteor burning up as it enters the earths atmosphere.

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